AGJF Scholarship Recipient - Senior

I love Jesus, I believe in the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Having said that , I think nothing is by accident, it is all part of the Master’s Plan. I would like to stop the vicious cycle of addiction, by working with children teaching them skills that will detour them from getting caught up in some type of addiction. The tools I hope to employ will definitely consist of Spiritual, Physical, and Mental techniques that will be foundation blocks for life. I am pursuing the Developmental Family Study Degree, to prepare to go into communities, churches, schools, non profit organizations to teach a better way. I hope that we can also work on building great relationship skills, that we can emphasize that we respect even when we do not agree. Wisdom, comes with age, and I definitely have age on my side. I think that addiction is the elephant in the room that everyone overlooks. It is crucial, to our community, city, state, nation, and world that we begin to be the solution. Yes, I am legally blind…, perhaps now I see.